

CRAZY TEACHER 阿甘老師的瘋狂英語教室 : 美國人這樣說

第二十五課 hickey




hickey  n.

Definition : a temporary mark or bruise on one's skin resulting; a     love bite.吻痕,種草莓。

Example :

Lize : What is that on your neck ? Is it a hickey from David ?

       你脖子上是甚麼? David 重的草莓嗎?

Joyce : No......It's from a guy Imet at the bar last night. I need to find a way to hide it. I can't let Davied see it.

        不! 是我左晚在夜店認識的一個男人,我得把它遮住,不能讓 David 看到。

Liz : You slut !



What should I do I have a hickey ?

A hickey is bruise. It dosen't disappear right away. It takes a few days to fad away naturally. So there's not much you can do. Wear a scarf or turle neck. Or stay home !




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