Definition : a temporary mark or bruise on one's skin resulting; a love bite.吻痕,種草莓。
Example :
Lize : What is that on your neck ? Is it a hickey from David ?
你脖子上是甚麼? David 重的草莓嗎?
Joyce : No......It's from a guy Imet at the bar last night. I need to find a way to hide it. I can't let Davied see it.
不! 是我左晚在夜店認識的一個男人,我得把它遮住,不能讓 David 看到。
Liz : You slut !
What should I do I have a hickey ?
脖子上有吻痕,要怎麼跟外人解釋哩! A hickey is bruise. It dosen't disappear right away. It takes a few days to fad away naturally. So there's not much you can do. Wear a scarf or turle neck. Or stay home !
Definition : In a competition, the person or team considered to be the weakest and the least likely to win.
Example :
Jon : Who do you think will the match.
Silas : Roger Federer will difinitely win. But it will be grean if Srichaphan can beat himwith a miracle. You know..........I always support the underdog because myself was an underdog in school where no one thought I'd suceed.
Definition : An expression used to describe something that is most remarkable by its visual appeal.
Example : Guess what ? I am going to stay in a hotel right by the beach. It's wonderful because there will be a lot of eye know, hot girls in bikines and hot guys in speedos.
Definition : Best and generally most expensive goods and service. 高檔的貨品和服務。
Example : It's very hard to please Paull's girlfriend. She only shops at high-end stores like LV, Prada, and Chanel. 保羅的女友很難取悅,她只在 LV,Prada,和香奈爾那種高檔店瞎拼。
台灣雖然這些年不景氣,但愛買精品的人還是不少哩,101 和新光三越裡的high end store一家一家開,生意興隆門庭若市,完全看不出大家荷包縮水_________這是真有錢還是打腫臉充胖子?