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CRAZY TEACHER 的瘋狂英語教室 : 美國人這樣說

第十六課 one hit-wonder

Have you ever loved a singer for only or two of his/her songs ? Many singer

or music groups are famous for only one smash hit and cannot sell more music,

 you can callthem..................

one hit-wonder  n.

Definition:an artist who is known for only one hit single.一曲歌王/后

Jenny:Look what I found! This is a CD I bought in 1997. Remember that song
Todd:Of course. I can never forget the rhythms and the moves. It's sad
     there is no other exciting stuff from this group Los Del Rio.
Jenny:Yeah. they are just a one-hit wonder.

Most successful one hit wonder. Macarena by Los Del Rio.




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